Monday 5 November 2012

Who Should be the next Bond Girl?

In typical impatient fashion; now that I've seen the new Bond film, my thoughts have immediately turned to the next one. I am hoping against hope that the new cast members in some of the more fixed roles (e.g. Q) will remain in the series for many years to come. I thought their performances were excellent and, although different from the original actors to play the roles, were as good. Daniel Craig has already signed up to do at least two more films and I feel confident that the role of Bond is safe with him.

With that in mind, my thoughts have turned to who should play the next Bond girl. I'm sure I should say 'Bond Woman' these days but sod it, political correctness can wait for another wee while.

The title of Bond girl is one that is remarkably fluid so let's start by examining what it takes to be one. The first thing to note is that being bedded by Bond does not make a character a Bond girl (it helps but it's not conclusive). An example of this would be Sylvia Trench (Dr. No and From Russia With Love). Although she is seen with Bond in several intimate poses she doesn't really add anything to the plot and therefore doesn't really qualify. There are others like her who succumb to Bond's charms but don't qualify for full Bond girl status. I would try and codify a term but I may sound even more mysoginistic than I already do.

Next up is the fact that they don't necessarily have to be allies (although it helps). Some Bond girls have been on one side all the way through, others have switched at some point in the film. That said, the vast majority will - while not always wholeheartedly supporting Bond - do something to help him achieve his mission.

So I've covered some things that Bond girls are most certainly not. Now let's look at what they are. They have to be sexy: there's no two ways about it. Obviously this is a fairly subjective measure (Bond doesn't really have a 'type' hence a vast number of actresses have played Bond girls) but the truly great ones are not just bimbos that fall on their backs with their legs splayed at a moment's notice (well not just that). They have to be 'sassy' as well; there needs to be if not banter between Bond and the Bond girl, at least some verbal jousting and repartee. As I have said, they need to feature heavily enough to forward the plot but not so much that they get in the way. Ideally they should have some specialist skill or knowledge that can be used by Bond to complete the mission.

In my opinion, one of the best Bond girls of the whole series was Eva Green in Casino Royale. She smouldered like a fine cigar while verbally jousting with Bond and creating an almost unbearable sexual tension between them. Not only this but she was a pivotal point in the whole story. Other excellent examples are Barbara Bach in The Spy Who Loved Me and Ursula Andress in Dr. No - the first and one of the best.

So now we turn to the point of the post; identifying actors who would be good for the next Bond girl whoever she may be.

Although not an actor (despite being frequently seen on television), my first vote would go to Kate Middleton a.k.a. The Duchess of Cambridge. Since the Olympic opening ceremony, there is now precedent for females in the Royal Family to appear alongside Bond and I think this should be exploited to it's fullest extent. The Duchess radiates the natural poise and beauty that all the great Bond girls have (although many have been models and beauty queens, the role calls for them to be more girl next door than catwalk queen). Her hair, voice, poise and track record for looking stunning in evening wear all count in her favor for the role. Somehow, sadly, I doubt this casting decision will go beyond this blog so let's looks elsewhere.

Another obvious choice would be the Duches' younger sister Pippa although in my opinion she would be better placed as the femme fetale rather than Bond girl.

One actress that I think would have been perfect for the position in the early nineties while the franchise was sadly in the doldrums was Kate Winslett. She again has a natural beauty and confidence on screen that would nicely compliment the films. In the same category is the equally stunning Mrs Craig or Rachel Weiss as she is otherwise known. Part of me would like to see her cast now just so we could see husband and wife playing opposite each other.

Moving on to actresses who are hopefully more likely to be cast, one I think would be brilliant is Jessica Brown-Findlay formerly Lady Sybill of Downtun Abbey. Based largely on seeing her in that part I think she comes across brilliantly on screen and has the right mix of presence, charm and prettiness (and aptitude for wearing impressive dresses) to be perfect.

Another actress I think would be brilliant in the 'English Rose' school of Bond girl is Emma Watson. Throughout the Harry Potter series she showed herself capable of great presence on the screen as well as having an ability to do action sequences. In my view, it would be the perfect opportunity to 'de-tween' her image and move into more adult roles.

For a slightly racier Bond girl, I think Sienna Miller would be perfect. I think she would be perfect for a character that was intended to give Bond a bit of a hard time before eventually reverting to the good-guys and have a bit of action thrown in.

Yet another suggestion would be Miranda Raison. When she was in Spooks she did some fantastic action scenes and had some wonderfully intense moments. In a later TV series she had some lovely funny moments and (along with Toby Stevens) had some wonderful flirty chemistry bubbling just under the surface. Both are just what's required for a brilliant Bond girl.

There are probably some really obvious choices that I have overlooked here in this quick run through of potential replacements. If any spring to mind, please flag them up in a comment below. Failing that, what do you think of my choices so far?


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