Thursday 22 November 2012

A Bit of a Strange One

Today's post is going to be a bit of a strange one, mainly because I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to write about. Normally, if I was in this situation I would either wait until inspiration struck or publish a post I'd written previously and saved. Today however the saved box is empty. Beyond that, I have gotten into the habit of writing reasonably regularly (if not always well) and, even though it's only been a couple of days since I last wrote a post, I've been missing it. That sounds really strange as a sentiment I know but it's true.

As you may or may not be able to tell, I'm still not sure where this is going!

A friend of mine, one of the very few people who read this and know me in the flesh (you know who you are MFW), asked me how I decide what to write. The answer is; I don't. Sometimes an amusing observation will occur to me and I will flesh it out a bit. Other times there will be an issue that I am particularly passionate about I want to discuss in more detail. Sometimes I just want a rant. Finally there are times when I just want to sound off about one of my various geeky passions.

I'm still not entirely sure why I started blogging. I think I rather expected some sort of consistent theme emerging over the course of my posts but that hasn't really happened. I did have a vague idea that I would like to comment on current affairs but I decided fairly quickly that it wasn't for me. Essentially I get irritated seeing the same few opinions rehashed in newspapers under various synonyms so I really didn't see the point in adding to the general white noise. I have made exceptions either because I think I have a genuine point to make or because I feel a particular level of passion.

I did also toy with the idea of writing a comic take of the world around me. That still appeals to an extent but it can be fun to be serious at times. Most of the time I go with what I think is interesting or important at the time.

I have a couple of posts brewing at the moment that  I could have written up tonight  but they are all on quite serious topics and I'm not really in the right frame of mind to do them justice. Also, I'm still not sure in myself about my thoughts and feelings regarding some of the things I will write about and that's really not a good start to writing something coherent and worth reading (as I think I might be proving rather nicely now).

Right, my desire to write has been sated. It has been slightly strange actually reflecting on my motivation for posting. Normal service will be back soon.


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