Friday 29 July 2011

Lived up to the name!

Sorry about the last post. Just re-read it and it really is a stream of consciousness! It was however, extremely cathartic to get all of that out of my system.

I also realise I sound like a bit of a brat with my debate about careers. Despite my misgivings I realise exactly how lucky I am to have had (and continue to have) the opportunities I enjoy. I have a tremendously supportive family, friends that are unwavering in their encouragement and qualifications from some of the best educational establishments in the U.K. This puts me in a very fortunate position and one I am grateful for this. I hope I can use these advantages as a springboard that will allow me to be in a position to look after those that I care about and do some good for the rest of society... it's just how!


Exam Results

I've just had the results for the most recent set of law exams I undertook and I'm pleased to say I passed. This has come as a massive relief as my transition from science to law has not been a smooth one. In short, I went from being a very able biologist to a mediocre (at best) law student. I freely admit that part of the problem was my attitude; I had been a student for 5 years by the point I started my law studies and I was fed up of it. Getting a job was utmost in my mind but I thought then, as I do now, that some form of professional qualification would make the process of starting a career easier. I also thought I could ride out the recession in law school and again ease the passage on to the career ladder.

Unfortunately, I struggled to get into the legal way of thinking. It's hard to properly articulate how I felt and to an extent feel about it. To start with I railed against the fact that we had to cite sources all the time be it cases or statute. Let's be honest, unless it's an extremely obscure point of law other lawyers will know it and clients won't care. To my mind, it's as ludicrous as a doctor citing the particular textbook that a procedure is described in. Be that as it may, I played the game. The other main problem was that I really struggled to relate to the material. As an undergraduate, biology suited my way of thinking so discussion was always relatively straightforward. With law, I have always felt that a true understanding and associated overview has been just beyond my reach so I have had to do a lot of compartmentalising and parrot learning. This feeling has lessened in my recent courses as they have focused on the practical application of law and I always learn better when there is some sort of outcome to work towards but I have found it extremely frustrating in the past.  Finally, I have difficulty with the concept of lawyers. In essence, see the job as profiting from the misery of others which isn't exactly an attractive concept. This wasn't helped by one module handbook having the first chapter on fees and the second on uneven paving slabs. These sort of things give lawyers a bad name (although I do realise there is also a lot of potential to do good as well). The result of these feelings was that I usually played for par in exams and on occasion didn't make it. Going from getting excellent results at Uni. to hovering either side of the pass mark at law school was hard and gave my confidence a hell of a battering. The results today have gone a long way to restoring it; not only did I pass but I got good marks. In addition, my exam timetable was horrendous so it was nice to get through despite adverse circumstances.

These results haven't really changed the way I feel about law but they have restored my confidence in my intellectual ability, my ability to pick up new subjects and my ability to adapt to unfamiliar frameworks. It's also reassuring that two of them were in the areas I was considering specialising in should I follow a legal career.

Now comes the decision. I still have one resit to go before I get this qualification. The timing of this means that should I decide to become a lawyer, I won't be able to start the on-the-job training until September next year at the earliest. This means I will be getting a job of some sort. At the moment my main priority is finding something that not only engages my brain but also gives me enough to live on and start paying my parents back the money they have lent me. They are being saintly about repayments and not putting any pressure on me but the fact remains I have borrowed a lot of money and I want to pay it back as soon as possible (also my mother wants to retire soon and if paying them back lets her do this then it's the least I can do... although again, to their eternal credit, they have never even hinted at the, "after all we've done for you" line). As a result, it's unlikely that what I will be working in for the next year or so will be in the legal sector. It maybe that I enjoy whatever this is so much that I choose to make it my career, it maybe that I don't like it and decide to make law my career. Whichever way it goes the whole process is bloody daunting at the moment.

Either way, these thoughts are for later. Right now, I have poured myself a large dram of my favourite malt and am contemplating a cigar. Now is a time for enjoying the relief of passing and maybe allowing myself to fee a tiny wee bit pleased with myself.



Wednesday 27 July 2011

Initial Post

Hi to all those reading this and welcome to my new blog. This is my second foray into blogging; my first being a joint effort with a good friend intended to be a light-hearted reflection on our antics. It never really took off as we were so busy having a laugh that we didn't really manage to update it.

This blog will essentially be my musings on life. Some posts will be entirely about me and what is happenings in my life, others will be about things in the world around. Obviously, everything I write is personal opinion unless stated otherwise. Please feel free to comment. Not everything I write is intended to provoke discussion but it is always welcome; I have found out many fascinating things that way. That said, I will remove any comments which I deem outrageously offensive. As I have said, what I will write is mostly personal opinion. If you find anything I write offensive then please bear in mind it wasn't written as a personal attack. Feel free to explain to me why you find it offensive... you never know, I might be converted but please do not resort to personal attack.

Semi-disclaimer over! I thought I would start with a bit of a biography since I am innately a nosey bugger and like finding out about others when reading their blogs.

I am, I think, a fairly normal guy in his mid-twenties. I was born and brought up in Scotland but now live down in London, that said I love my home country and wear my kilt with pride. Like all guys I think my jokes are hilarious, I am an above average driver and an excellent lover... my friends may disagree.

Currently I am seeking a job. My first degree was in Biology and I have since done a law conversion course (with one exam outstanding due to be sat in September if any recruiters are reading this). I am still a total science geek at heart but have realised there is nothing that I really want to pursue a career in, in that field. Unfortunately, law isn't as people-focused as I was expecting it to be so I am now questioning if that is the right path. Perhaps there is a niche for me in law in the biomedical field, perhaps I need to look elsewhere. My ideal job would have been an army officer however I am ineligible to join because of health reasons.

Socially, I am lucky to have a wonderful girlfriend and a close circle of good friends. My main hobby is volunteering with St. John Ambulance. Mainly this consists of drinking tea and telling people where the loo/tube station is (we know, we wear yellow jackets), at times we even dole out plasters. I have done my share of serious conditions as well and will freely admit that it is an adrenaline rush when something big happens. Not only that but the opportunity to use the more complex bits of training and test myself is satisfying. I don't wish illness on anyone but if it happens around me then I take pride in treating them to the best of my ability. I am also proud of the fact I can do my bit to help the people around me in some small way.

When not on duty, I am a passionate cook (and may well post some of my more edible creations up here). I started learning to cook when I was about 16 for two reasons: 1) because I realised I was going off to Uni. soon and could do with a bit of self-sufficiency and 2) because I heard girls liked it. I have since found out that the process can be great fun and the results rewarding (most of the time). I also love malt whisky and real ale. The Bond books and films are another passion and one that has been with me for years. Even now, hearing the theme tune will send shivers up my spine. Apart from that I like reading, reading the paper and sitting on the sofa watching Dave and having a laugh with my flatmates.

I was drawn to blogging having read a few for quite some time and seeing the community spirit that exits. Hopefully I will have the privilege of being part of that. I have been consciously a bit vague in by biography so far because I do quite like the anonymity of this blog. I also hope it's an inducement to people to keep reading and get to know me better!

That's all for now. More posts to follow soon as I think of things to write about. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.