Friday 16 November 2012

Schoolboy Humour

Despite the fact that age-wise I am very firmly in my mid 20s and some aspects of my personality are closer to grumpy old man there is still part of me that will remain forever young; my sense of humour! It resides somewhere in the 6th form, always has done and probably always will do.

Knob jokes are funny. Come on... Admit it. As are crude innuendos. The less offensive euphemisms for female genitals can also be deployed to great comic effect. And in the true style of the TV show, 'The Inbetweeners' jokes about your mate's mum (usually implying sexual promiscuity) are always hilarious.

Now most of the time this doesn't create any problems. Obviously it gets reigned in for professional situations or other encounters where it wouldn't be appropriate. Then I just snigger internally. The only problem is when someone is dropping clanging innuendos and not even realising it. That is a real test of self-control.

One person particularly guilty of this is my girlfriend's mother. She doesn't even have to be there half the time. A good example of this was last year on a holiday to Portugal. A lot of the pottery there had cockerel motifs on it. This prompted my girlfriend to say, "We should get some of this for my mum, she loves cocks!" And me to double up with laughter.

Last weekend was a particularly tough one for this reason. We were down visiting them and as it was getting cold, we were all wrapping up. One item in the possession of JRGF's mother was an object called a muff designed to keep the hands warm.

Now for those of you that don't speak Brit, muff is also a euphemism for the female genitals. Hence the lines, "Do you like my muff?" and, "It's lovely and fluffy isn't it?".

Naturally this had me chewing on my tongue in attempt not to get the giggles. To make things worse, my girlfriend knew exactly what I was thinking so I had to fight not to make eye contact with her lest she set me off further.

Ah well, it was a good story to tell afterwards anyway.


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