Wednesday 27 February 2013

Leave Prince Harry Alone

Prince Harry has a new girlfriend. We know this because he was pictured hugging her while they were both on a skiing holiday (and who can really blame him). Apparently photographs of a member of the Royal Family hugging while in salopets are quite highly prized.

Rather predictably this has provoked a tsunami of speculation from the media about the possibility of another Royal Wedding. It seems the poor man only has to shake hands with a girl to give the press an exuse to start speculating where the pair will be going on honeymoon.

Well I say leave him in peace. Let's overlook the fact that he is a Cavalry Officer and therefore seducing beautiful women is virtually in his job description. Instead let's concentrate on the fact that he is a young man embarking on a relationship. A relationship which was doubtless put under stress by his recent tour of Afghanistan even without the relentless press attention. Do we really want to increase the strain and pressure further by pushing the couple for news about their plans before they know themselves? It seems more than a little unfair.

Rather than look at this from the perspective of salivating over a bit of juicy Royal gossip, let's personalise this a bit. We've all been there after all; in a new relationship which is just becoming "official". The likelyhood is our friends know and we are just starting to tell our families and then it starts. You're at a family gathering and an aunt makes an "hilarious" remark about needing to buy a new hat. It starts there and gently escalates with subtle probings to try and ascertain a scoop. I for one find this stressful. It's complicated enough trying to puzzle out the maelstrom of emotions that occur at the start of a new relationship without having to discuss it publicly and in great depth - and this is just with family and friends. It must be infinitely worse to have these conversations played out in the pages of the press. Whatsmore that kind of stress can't make it easier to form a bond with the other person so ironically the act of speculating about the next Royal wedding is probably contributing to making the whole bunfight less likely.

Still, I suppose all this is marginally better than the alternative; commentators and columnists taking the opportunity to make bitchy comments about the girl in question. The Dutchess of Cambridge has suffered just such a fate recently and through no real fault of her own.

 Now Prince Harry seems to have a fairly set "type" and that "type" could be easily described as beautiful, leggy blondes. I'm certain that there is more to the individual girls than that description but it is certainly a unifying theme. Unfortunately that also makes them an easy target for the jealous, bitchy sniping - and let's be honest, it is unlikely any of the commentators will know the young lady personally therefore all comments will be based solely on her looks and the negative ones are likely to be rooted in jealousy.

So instead of pointlessly obsessing over details we shall never know, let's leave the couple to it. You never know, this could lead to a new wedding dress to admire (and a new bridesmaid's dress to ogle!)


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