Saturday 22 October 2011

Thrown Into the Pub

I was in my old Uni town today. Lots of memories were flooding back. One of the funniest (and strangest) was the time a mate and I got thrown INTO the pub.

As a bit of background; there is a blanket ban on drinking in the street in Scotland.

The incident in question took place in one of my last years. There was a parade in town which one of my friends was in. As it was a nice day, another friend and I went to the pub, procured a pint and meandered outside to watch the parade (and take the piss of our mate in a silly costume).

Although drinking in the street is illegal, many pubs have chairs and tables outside which are regarded as part of the premises. Unfortunately all these chairs and tables were taken so we just stood, in line with them, slightly to the side of the door. We thought this was reasonable enough.

A few minutes later a police officer comes along and says, "Sorry boys, you can't drink in the street. You're going to have to take your pints inside."

We explain the situation. Unfortunately this is met a response similar to the statement above.

At this point we point out to the officer that he is in fact throwing us into the pub. After a seconds thought he agrees and we have a bit of a laugh about it. Sadly he refused to put it in writing!


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