Saturday 15 October 2011


One of the things I love about living in London is that there is so much happening and such a a variety of events. Last night was a case and point; I went to a ceilidh (Scottish country dance for the uninitiated). This wasn't a one-off, they run almost weekly. How cool is that?

Overall it was a good night. Not too expensive to get in, decent bar, wholesome food available. Slightly less tangibly, the atmosphere was what I would call authentic in that there was a genuinely diverse group of people getting to know each other; it wasn't just a bunch of homesick Scots reminiscing. Best of all, I got to deploy the kilt. (As a side note, it's amazing how many people stop and speak to you when wearing the kilt. Some are Scots away from home being friendly, some are people just genuinely interested and some are hen nights on a bet to try and find out what's up it!)

There were a couple of irritations. The hall was far too full meaning there was no room to move around. Irritating at the best of times but more so when you're trying to spin your partner properly. Also, the caller wasted a lot of time messing around trying to organise everyone rather than taking charge of the situation and getting on with it (and if one thing winds me up, it's fannying about). He also subtly tweaked some of the old favourites. I'm not sure if this is some "modern" interpretation or he was deliberately trying to get one over on people who knew how to ceilidh but it was irritating until I realised most people were just getting on with doing it the proper way. Finally, there were too many square dances. I would say that perhaps I've been spoiled growing up in Scotland but then again, my uni, although on the east coast of Fife, was essentially a suburb of Chelsea!

Overall, as I say, it was a good night. Well worth going to if you want to experience a ceilidh or you want to get some practice in before going to an event where there is likely to be one.

In other news, I have finally got a job at last. Well, a temporary contract driving for the Royal British Legion as part of their poppy campaign. I'm pleased it's for them. I have always been a big supporter of them as a charity. In addition, I think driving around London will be rather fun (if a bit nerve-wracking). If I'm honest, I'm nnot brilliantly happy about the idea of being paid by a charity, I can't help but feel their money should be spent on Veterans but then again the poppy appeal will raise vastly more money than I'm being paid and these support roles do have to be performed (and I am desperate for work at the moment so I'm not really in a position to get too worked up). Now comes the challenge of finding something to folllow it...


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