Thursday 11 August 2011

I have a guilty secret. I have been known to read the Daily Mail. I get most of my "news" reporting from other sources but the Mail is always good for a bit of a snigger.

Not so today. I would suggest you read this article.

I read a few years ago that sociologists think that generations are getting smaller. By that I mean, the age range that covers the term "generation" is narrowing. I must say I agree and this article really does confirm it.

As a bit of background, my mid- to late- teens was very similar to that of the show, "The Inbetweeners". I went to parties, worked for exams, relaxed with mates, went to the pub (not always successfully), tried to get a girlfriend. Some parties did get a little debauched. Some of my peers dabbled in drugs (this isn't me being coy, genuinely most of my mates and I had no interest in anything stronger than whisky). I occasionally had to slur to my parents that I had, "only had a couple" and the smell of fag smoke was because I had walked a girl who smokes home.

I am now in my mid-20s. I still go to the pub with my mates. I still enjoy house parties. I now go out to clubs more because I have real ID (not the kind that was made on your mate's, dad's laser printer). However subtle differences are becoming apparent. I have started appreciating well ironed shirts and nicely polished shoes. I have stopped regarding closing time/passing out as the time to stop drinking. I enjoy (and have hosted) dinner parties. Now 90% of my alcohol consumption is because I like the taste of what I'm drinking rather than for the effects of alcohol (but who doesn't go on a bender now and again). I can say no to a fly-fag. In short; I am growing up.

This is what I genuinely believed until recently. Now I think the whole culture of being young has changed. What shocked me about reading the above article was how unsurprised I was. A large part of this opinion has been formed due to my flatmate's girlfriend. She is 19 and, as far as I can tell, a fair representation of a normal 19 year old. In short, while I compared my late teens to "The Inbetweeners", her life seems to be more like "Skins". Casual sex is the norm. She talks of one friend/aquaintence who caused most of her friend circle to become infected with chlamydia. This was shrugged off as being a bit of a pest. It was clear that sex was clearly an act very separate from relationships and (in my opinion) had precious little to do with intimacy either. It is just something one does. From some of the stories told, even liking the person is largely optional never mind attraction.

Then there is the booze. I have been out with my flatmate and his girlfriend to some of her haunts. Once again, I like a drink, often followed by a second (my girlfriend jokes that I have never bought a half unless it's been part of a whole) but again the sheer level of consumption is shocking. An image that will stay with me for a long time is that of a girl who looked closer to 10 than 20 even with the aid of makeup, killer heels and mini-dress. She was on the dance floor drinking wine... through a straw... from the bottle. Even at the most outrageous parties I was at (including the one in the new house of a friend's dad who had recently divorced his mum. We were given a couple of crates of beer by his mum and told to, "have a good time". Would have loved to see the dad's face afterwards) we usually used a glass as an intermediary for everything other than beer.

My mother has referred to me as her Young Fogey for years. I admit my love of ale, single malt, tweed and fountain pens combined with my suspicion of technology may be a little antiquated for most 25 year olds but I don't think I am that different from most of my generation. It worries me that the younger generation are doing this to themselves. It worries me what the generation who are still young kids are going to do when they reach this stage in their development. The prospect of having kids terrifies me, not because of the idea of responsibility and commitment but because of what I might be bringing a child into.

Hopefully some form of equilibrium will be restored soon. Until then I hope that the long term potential damage caused by this behaviour will be minimal.


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