Thursday 4 October 2012

An Age Old Question

If not now'; when? Apropos nothing in particular I have been pondering what sort of era I would like to live in if somebody presented me with the keys to a time capsule (and a fairly comprehensive instruction manual to ignore).

Two or three naturally suggest themselves to me. First off (and assuming money was no object) I rather like the idea of being an inter-war dandy. A Bulldog Drummond type with a hearty sense of adventure and a heartier bank balance. Cocktails at every given opportunity naturally and a suitably powerful sports car to mess up the gravel on country estates, make ladies swoon and draw disapproving glances from older members of society. Hmmmm actually this is sounding more Bertie Wooster than Bulldog Drummond but otherwise it sounds appealing. A gentleman of leisure occupied with novels, eating and general hi jinx. And if one happened to fancy a job, well the sole qualification was being a jolly good chap. It would be an  opportunity to release my inner fop with a hat at a jaunty angle and a just-the-right-side-of-garish suit. Not to mention some outrageous accessories... a snuff box perhaps?

Given my love of Bond, it's probably no huge to surprise that the post war years feature on the list but naturally, on the condition that I would be of sufficient means to conduct a similar lifestyle; fast cars, good food, interesting assignments and increasingly advancing and exiting technology to play with. Hopefully an international super-villain to be brought down a peg or two but who will still behave like a gentleman.

The theme here is probably life that is recognisable today (although not necessarily vice versa). Clothing is similar, cars are increasing in popularity and technology is at a point where it is useful rather than frivolous. It is therefore probably no great surprise to hear that I rather like life in the present day (albeit I can think of several improvements).

There is one other era that appeals however. That would be the early '90s. Pre-1997. Putting aside the silly haircuts, boxy suits and ties that look like hangover vomit (oh and dubious pop music but that's hardly got better). This particular choice is based not on private income, etc but on the fact that there was a world of possibility that was just a wee bit more accessible than it is today: houses were still expensive but not quite as astronomical as they now are (and mortgages were still possible to come by), fuel and booze weren't taxed at obscene levels meaning they were still affordable, graduate jobs were widely available and personal choice/common sense were still valued rather than frowned upon.

Right, probably time I took off my rose-tinted specs and put on my reading glasses. 

If anyone has a spare tardis, do give me a shout (even if it's just to have a chat with end of Uni me).


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