Friday 4 May 2012


Today's post was going to be a rant about cyclists but frankly, bugger that. I'm feeling too positive.

I've had the pleasure of catching up with two genuinely good friends today. One was a swift phone call. The kind we all mean to make all the time. For no specific reason I did and I'm glad I did - for no other reason than it was good to catch up with them. I first met them almost 8 years ago when we worked together in a residential kids camp. We clicked immediately. The rest, as they say, is history.

The other friend again, I have known for at least eight years. We were at uni together and part of the same club. We always got on well then got really close in our final two years (although it transpired that we had grown up in vaguely similar social circles... Certainly we would have attended many of the same events as kids). Anyway, she was one of the few people I actively kept in touch with after I graduated (no offence, I just freely admit that I'm awful at stating in touch with people). Rather randomly, she moved down south not long after I did then eventually to London. Although we meet up virtually every week, this is the first time in a long time we've had a serious conversation rather than the usual every day stuff. Part of the conversation revolved around how much we had changed since we first met and reflecting that being a grownup was actually quite fun.

Anyway, enough sentimental rambling for now.


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