Wednesday 27 July 2011

Initial Post

Hi to all those reading this and welcome to my new blog. This is my second foray into blogging; my first being a joint effort with a good friend intended to be a light-hearted reflection on our antics. It never really took off as we were so busy having a laugh that we didn't really manage to update it.

This blog will essentially be my musings on life. Some posts will be entirely about me and what is happenings in my life, others will be about things in the world around. Obviously, everything I write is personal opinion unless stated otherwise. Please feel free to comment. Not everything I write is intended to provoke discussion but it is always welcome; I have found out many fascinating things that way. That said, I will remove any comments which I deem outrageously offensive. As I have said, what I will write is mostly personal opinion. If you find anything I write offensive then please bear in mind it wasn't written as a personal attack. Feel free to explain to me why you find it offensive... you never know, I might be converted but please do not resort to personal attack.

Semi-disclaimer over! I thought I would start with a bit of a biography since I am innately a nosey bugger and like finding out about others when reading their blogs.

I am, I think, a fairly normal guy in his mid-twenties. I was born and brought up in Scotland but now live down in London, that said I love my home country and wear my kilt with pride. Like all guys I think my jokes are hilarious, I am an above average driver and an excellent lover... my friends may disagree.

Currently I am seeking a job. My first degree was in Biology and I have since done a law conversion course (with one exam outstanding due to be sat in September if any recruiters are reading this). I am still a total science geek at heart but have realised there is nothing that I really want to pursue a career in, in that field. Unfortunately, law isn't as people-focused as I was expecting it to be so I am now questioning if that is the right path. Perhaps there is a niche for me in law in the biomedical field, perhaps I need to look elsewhere. My ideal job would have been an army officer however I am ineligible to join because of health reasons.

Socially, I am lucky to have a wonderful girlfriend and a close circle of good friends. My main hobby is volunteering with St. John Ambulance. Mainly this consists of drinking tea and telling people where the loo/tube station is (we know, we wear yellow jackets), at times we even dole out plasters. I have done my share of serious conditions as well and will freely admit that it is an adrenaline rush when something big happens. Not only that but the opportunity to use the more complex bits of training and test myself is satisfying. I don't wish illness on anyone but if it happens around me then I take pride in treating them to the best of my ability. I am also proud of the fact I can do my bit to help the people around me in some small way.

When not on duty, I am a passionate cook (and may well post some of my more edible creations up here). I started learning to cook when I was about 16 for two reasons: 1) because I realised I was going off to Uni. soon and could do with a bit of self-sufficiency and 2) because I heard girls liked it. I have since found out that the process can be great fun and the results rewarding (most of the time). I also love malt whisky and real ale. The Bond books and films are another passion and one that has been with me for years. Even now, hearing the theme tune will send shivers up my spine. Apart from that I like reading, reading the paper and sitting on the sofa watching Dave and having a laugh with my flatmates.

I was drawn to blogging having read a few for quite some time and seeing the community spirit that exits. Hopefully I will have the privilege of being part of that. I have been consciously a bit vague in by biography so far because I do quite like the anonymity of this blog. I also hope it's an inducement to people to keep reading and get to know me better!

That's all for now. More posts to follow soon as I think of things to write about. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.


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