Tuesday 8 November 2011

The past wee while

Haven't posted anything up for a while. Sorry about that. One of the main reasons is that I have been insanely busy at work. Last Thursday was London Poppy Day where members of the armed forces descend on London to collect. Naturally this meant a lot of stuff to be taken to various places round the city in preparation.

A couple of fairly late nights and some overtime later and everything was in place... Just about. The day itself was hectic. I worked pretty solidly from 07.30 to just after midnight and it was a fairly good day traffic-wise so most of it was spent actually working rather than staring at the brake lights of the person in front and getting bored.

Fortunately, for most of that time I had someone in the van with me. Didn't know her from eve when we started and ended the day having a great laugh. It's not overstating the case to say she kept me sane! Even better, we were quite a team when getting the van into and out of extremely tight areas that at the start of my contract I wouldn't have thought possible (they can actually spin round quite well apparently).

What impressed me was that my crew mate was a volunteer. She put in the same hours and the same heavy lifting as I did but didn't have thoughts of the overtime to fall back on when things got tedious.

Overall it was a fun day and the general buzz created by everything happening meant that the tiredness of the physical work and the long hours didn't really kick in until I got home. We both agreed some things could (and should) be improved for future years but, as far as I'm aware, there were no major crises. I have suggested she put our concerns in writing to the powers that be... Hopefully they will react better to it coming from one of their volunteer workforce.

One thing I have realised while doing this job is the satisfaction of completing a manual task. It is hard (at times almost backbreaking) work loading and unloading the van all the while keeping an eye on local traffic and dodging parking wardens (although the ones I have encountered so far have all been very reasonable when I explain what we are doing. Some have even insisted on buying poppies on the spot rather than doling out a ticket) however it is tremendously satisfying seeing it go from full to empty or vice versa. Not to mention the fact that muscles that I haven't used since my rowing days are returning with interest. Long may this continue.

Away from the work front, my girlfriend's mother has been staying prompting near-constant (whispered), "your mum" jokes to my great amusement at least. Fortunately we get on well so it's quite good fun.

The only down side is the dog was brought up when her mother came up leading to me being forced to pose with it (something about a phone background). As a doggy sort of chap, normally this wouldn't bother me however this "dog" is small, white, fluffy and very, very gay (cockerspaniel and poodle cross if you're interested). He is the only dog I know that sashays instead of walks. To give him his due, he's not yappy as some small dogs tend to be and he is a lovely dog... Doesn't make having to pose with him any less embarrassing.

More to follow soon; promise!


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